In a darkly lit room, numbers on a clock radio slowly tumble into place with a thundering roar. It’s 4:31 a.m. and Neale Donald Walsch is suddenly wide awake.
eyes dart around the room—is someone there?
“Have you had enough yet?”
Neale slowly turns around to see where the voice is coming from.
“Are you ready now?”
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veteran and producer/director Stephen
Simon had long aspired to bring CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD to the screen.
“My film career has been dominated by the quest to make films out of three extraordinary books, the first two as a producer and the third as producer/director,” he says.
“First, it was SOMEWHERE IN TIME, which took almost 5 years from the time I first read it until the film was released. Next, WHAT DREAMS MAY COME took almost 20 years. Now, CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD has been in my head and, most importantly, my heart for almost 10 years.
For the past decade, I have dreamed of making Neale’s very emotional, provocative and surprising journey into a movie. As a filmmaker, my guiding principle has been that this film had to be from and of the heart.”
the past ten years, Neale
Donald Walsch received offers to turn his book and life story into
a film. He turned them all down.
However, due to Walsch’s enthusiasm for WHAT DREAMS MAY COME, the Academy Award-winning film that Simon produced in 1998, the two became friends.
Walsch says that Simon has an “extraordinarily high level of artistic integrity, vision and willingness to collaborate,” and therefore, he finally agreed to have his story told on the big screen.
Principal photography on CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD began November 7, 2005. It was shot over the course of five weeks in and around beautiful Ashland, Oregon and the nearby Rogue Valley.