About The Global Conversation
On October 1, 2012, The Global Conversation began publication of one of the very first places on the Internet where world events and personal lives can be explored on a regular basis within the specific context of The New Spirituality.
It is a News and Social Media website focusing specifically, exclusively, and directly on the messages of today's New Spirituality, and how they relate to what is going on right now---in the world and in your life. The site allows you to gather information and to share information about our collective, and your individual, experience.
Its purpose is to expand the understanding and the awareness of all humanity about the foundational ideas of The New Spirituality as they can be applied on-the-ground in day-to-day encounters. Up 'til now there have been very few places on the Internet where such an exchange and soul expression could take place within the context of contemporary, daily, events.
The Global Conversation provides just such a space---a global meeting place where you can join with others from across the globe in reading about and talking about life as it is now occurring, how it can be altered for the better, and the principles of the spiritual message that is, right now, changing the world.
What you share there about your personal views and experience can touch hundreds of thousands of people, instantly. And that is the ultimate purpose of the site: to put you in touch with your Self and with the world, helping to create within and outside of you a blessed energy that can turn Fear into Love on our planet.
The changing of our world begins with the changing of our Story. And the changing of our story begins with the opening of a New Conversation about Who We Are and Why We Are Here on the Earth. And that New Story includes your entry as part of The Global Conversation, because opinions matter, thoughts matter, ideas matter, and yours need to be included among those now being placed into the noosphere by people everywhere. The emergence of tomorrow's human is being generated by the exploration, discussion, and sharing of today's ideas, all over the planet.
The Global Conversation has created one of the largest communities gathering around The New Spirituality anywhere on the Internet. From there the power of ideas spreads, as it is shared by you with everyone you know.