The Spiritual Mentoring Program
If you have been struggling with any aspect of your life
and would like to have Neale personally help you,
then you need to sign up for this program right away.
This program is only open to the first 25 registrants.
Our Next Program:
August 4 - November 1, 2025
A 90-Day Program of Individualized Spiritual Mentoring from Neale Donald Walsch and his coaching associates
The intention and the purpose of this 90-day spiritual mentoring program is for Neale to personally walk each participant through a three-month exploration of the principal points in the Conversations with God messages, in 3 separate categories covering 30 days each:
Mastering Change • Mastering Happiness • Mastering Now
Participants are offered 36 individual lesson plans, three each week, with one group facilitated session each week for three months from a CwG Life Coach, one group session each month with Neale Donald Walsch, and three Personal one on one visits with Neale (one per month via either phone or Zoom) to talk about the challenge and the promise each participant is experiencing, and to work with Neale on how to most effectively apply the messages of Conversations with God to everyday life.
For years Neale Donald Walsch has wanted to find a way to personally share his experience with individuals, not just with large groups, and to assist any person who was interested in having the life experience that he has had: an experience of direct and very personal connection and communication with the Divine, and of a complete transformation of day-to-day encounters, challenges, and "battles" with the old demons of fear, anger, resentment, frustration, disappointment, and debilitating emotional pain.
The aim of the Spiritual Mentoring Program is to end those negative experiences; to turn life into what it was always intended to be: an expression of true Self-Realization from a place of deep inner peace and harmony, thanks to a richer understanding of life's process and purpose.
Included in this highly individualized program:
- One personal, one-on-one, visit with Neale Donald Walsch each month, in which you can discuss your progress in the program and issues affecting your daily life. That's 3 total hours spent with Neale privately via phone* or Zoom;
- 1 group visit per month via Zoom facilitated by Neale, the last of which takes place one week after the program ends;
- 3 group visits per month via Zoom with the CwG Coaching staff, personally selected by Neale and deeply experienced in his message and method; and
- 3 weekly at-home lessons delivered online, complete with assignments, experiments, and processes that will both ground and activate the CWG messages in your Life.
*Long Distance and/or International Calling Rates may apply. For International calling options, CLICK HERE.
Registration limited to 25 participants
Program Cost: $2,300.00
$500 Early Bird Discount Available Through July 1, 2025
$1,800 total cost
Payment Plan Available Until May 15, 2025
$600 per month for 3 months, $1,800 total
For more information contact
An administrative fee of $600 must apply for cancellations made prior to 30 days before program begins. No refund can be issued after 30 days before program begins, as a cancellation at that time would not allow us sufficient time to fill the space we had been holding for you. Likewise, should you not complete the Spiritual Mentoring Program for any reason, we regret that no refund, neither full nor partial, can be offered, as this is a very limited-enrollment program and one of its very few spaces was held for you. We know that you understand that this is a program for serious students only, who wish to apply the CWG material in their lives in a very purposeful and intentioned way.